You Can Look Healthy But Not Be Healthy | Date Your Wife | EP 116
"Do you find yourself judging others about their workout routine, all the while downing gallons of diet coke? What about the picture-perfect couple who, in public, seem to have it all...yet behind the scenes are filing for divorce? This week's episode has some plain talk about health in our bodies and in our marriages, becoming better versions of ourselves, and a conversation about how aligning their lives with God has shifted the Whites' life in the past few months. Welcome to another episode of the Date Your Wife podcast with co-hosts Garrett J and Danielle K White."
“Even as hot and on fire as we are right now as individuals and as a couple, the version of us ten years from now will look at us right now and say, ‘You have no idea…'"
—Garrett J White
“Growing is not just about you. Yes, it’s so very fulfilling and rewarding for you; however, you impact and are an example to so many other people by becoming a better version of you.”
—Danielle K White
*To watch this episode, Click Here.